Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Will the Senator from Kentucky Please Explain?

What is the problem with Senator Jim Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky?? He has repeatedly blocked a 30-day extension of unemployment benefits. Now, more than 200,000 laid-off workers will lose their unemployment benefits.

As I read it, Senator Bunning's objection is because he doesn't want to add the $10 billion bill to the deficit. The Senator from Kentucky is the only hold out on this 30-day extension, which also includes funding for highway projects, improved Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors and other provisions. 

I've read a lot of divisiveness on this issue. You either think this guy is a hero or cantankerous old goat. I am not sure what to think so I wrote a letter to the office of Senator Bunning. In the automated response, I was told I would receive a reply in writing to my home address.

Wow! that was technology at its best. I copied Senator Patty Murray on the letter and got an email later that night that said she appreciated me copying her on the letter and that she "appreciated the opportunity to hear my views on UI".

In my letter to Senator Bunning, I explained that I was one of the many thousands of people being helped (saved) by unemployment benefits and wanted to understand why he was holding up the vote. If I ever get my letter, I will update this post.

For now, here are a couple of interesting links on the issue. Let me know if you have any thoughts.

Huffington Post



Google News

Tales from the Tapletts!


  1. How is he the only holdout? Wouldn't that mean a 99-1 vote? Can't filibuster a 99% "aye". I think there are 40 other senators accountable.

    Didn't they just pass a law not two weeks ago that says it has to be funded? Why is there 59 senators ignoring the law they just passed?

  2. Whoops on the first part. Still stand by the second part.


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