Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Missing Paula

As I sit here watching American Idol, I can't help but wonder where my sweet, daffy Paula Abdul went. I sure miss her erratic contestant feedback and berrating of Simon Cowell. At least Paula had the cajones to stand up to him when he was being a beast.

I love Ellen but I just don't think she brings anything to the show. Her show is terrific and her humor is terrific, when she is in her element. However, I don't think this is her element.

I just plain don't like Kara D. Oh FCOL (older people translation—for crying out loud), what's with the freakin' hair? and the gushing over Casey James? Yuck! Cougar? More like old mountain lion. I just can't stand that broad.

This season's crop of contestants have few bright spots. I know we are only into week 2 of performing and it takes a bit for them to settle in but man, there are some duds, mostly on the male side. Let's get them culled out and let the cream rise to the top. My two favs thus far are Lee DeWyze and Crystal Bowersox. Both have a little different vibe than what I would normally go for. So good luck guys!

Tales from the Tapletts

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