Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gas Prices Going Up...Economy Getting Bad, Again?

I drive a two-lane road to work every day with some of the worst drivers Woodinville has to offer--that may be its own post sometime. But on this two-lane road is an AM/PM gas station that has great, cheap gas and even with the 45 cent service fee is a great deal compared to its neighbor, Shell. I noticed that in the last week, gas prices rose by 20 cents. So I wondered what was going on.

I asked my husband, JeffyT, if he'd heard anything about it. Now, I often listen to him and make it through about 30 seconds and then is starts to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. That is only because I married an incredibly smart man who likes mathematics and economics, most of which my right brain won't process. He was telling me that he's been reading in the Wall Street Journal about some Greek crisis that is causing the price of gas to go up. Again, I only listened for about 30 seconds and then zoned out.

So here is an article that helps explain what is going on.  It is a long one, but if you can get through it, it might help. I pulled an interesting excerpt which I put in below.

For the last two months the dollar with the help of insiders Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup, who knew the Greek problem was on the way, has had an unusual rally that is about to end. They obviously knew the IMF would announce another gold sale and that the Fed would raise the discount rate. How could they not know with Goldman controlling the Treasury and Morgan the Fed?They also knew like any other observant economic professional that M3 was being reduced to almost no expansion as was happening simultaneously by the ECB and England, an event that would tend to strengthen the dollar. Doing this they all are playing a very dangerous game. If they lose control deflation will overwhelm inflation and a deflationary depression could begin. That will happen eventually, but the elitists would like it to happen on their timetable. The US has to find a way to end monetization and they have run out of options. The only possibility is for government to steal Americans’ retirement plans. The trouble is almost all sovereign debt cannot be avoided. Now the only question is when will the big conference begin to revalue, and devalue currencies, settle debt default and form a new international currency-trading unit in part backed by gold? All nations have been well aware for a long time that sovereign debt and some corporate and individual debt will never be repaid. That is why nations have reduced dollar holdings from 64.5% of foreign reserves to 61.4%. With the exception of four nations sovereign debt is not worth the paper it is written on. They are Switzerland, Canada, Australia and Norway.




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