Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Role Models - Ain't It Scary?

I'm not one to claim I would be a good role model. In fact, I'm a terrible role model. I have deep seated issues I could blame on my mother and father but since I don't go to therapy, nothing is wrong with me. With that said, I am definitely better than two of our current politicos; Vice-President Joe Biden and Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn.

Let's start with the man in charge of our children's education.

The state's Superintendent of Public Instruction was arrested over the weekend for suspicion of driving under the influence. Randy Dorn was stopped by police around 1:30 a.m. Sunday in Orting. Police cited Dorn for driving under the influence and he also received a ticket for driving 10 miles over the speed limit. He wasn't booked into Pierce County Jail but recieved an onsite breathalyzer test which registered at 0.11, 0.03 above the legal limit in Washington. A police officer administered the test twice at about 3 a.m., roughly an hour and a half after the officer pulled Dorn over.

I know my sister will read this and say that I'm a hypocrite because I've driven while drinkingshe knows I've driven while drinking. But I don't hold a public office, I was in my early 20's and extremely stupid. Dorn is in his 50's, with his family in the car and in charge of teaching our children how to make good decisions.

Also on the list of, "is this guy really a role model?", Vice-President of the United States Joe Biden. As he introduced President Obama after signing the health care reform bill, you can hear Biden say to President Obama "This is a big f-ing deal." Go ahead and spell it out because it was caught and went over live television. What I want to know, will the FCC fine one of their own? Or is this reserved for celebrities and radio talk show hosts?

Yes, Joe Biden, it is a big f-ing deal. As Vice-President of the United States of America there is a certain amount of decorum that goes along with the office. I know you have a history of trouble with your mouth and I have no doubt that behind closed doors in the oval office, there is probably a lot of swearing and tantrums. But you are Vice-President of the United States on live television. I also don't propose that I am, by any means, a saint when it comes to my language. My words have been known to make truckers and pirates blush. But again, I don't claim to be a role model nor do I hold a public office.

Role models are very important for children growing up. I have a hard time with kids looking up to terrible politicians, movie stars and sports players. I think we need to help our kids understand what makes a goood role model. What are those citizenship characteristics we want them to have? As a matter of fact, as parents, we should strive to be the ones our kids look up to. I know, Tucker could be in real trouble if he looks up to me so thank goodness for JeffyT. I have things that I need to personally work on but I recognize them and embrace them. I don't poke my head in the sand, I stand up to my foibles and constantly work to fix these things. I have set a goal of wanting my son to be the cool kid who stands up for the underdog. The kid who doesn't care what other people think. The kid who has enough self-confidence to let it all go and just be himself. I hope that we can teach Tucker the values and characteristics necessary for him to become a good man. And if not, here's hoping he's not a serial killer.

Tales from the Tapletts

1 comment:

  1. You my friend are very well spoken.... who knew?;)


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