Monday, April 5, 2010

I Hate People Who Drive Like Douchebags - May Contain Offensive Language

Can you tell from the title that this morning was a rough commute? I always said that if I started blogging I would definitely use it to tell certain people off who couldn't drive. When available, I will post license plate numbers to warn others on the road that this person's driving sucks.

To start, I found this great definition of douchebag on Urban Dictionary.

Douchebag: Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached f***er or motherfu**er. Not to be confuzed with douche.

Use it in a sentence:

Rob: He kept hitting on my girlfriend at the party, he just wouldnt leave her alone!!
Sam: God, what a douchebag.

I now drive to Everett every day for work. That requires a roundtrip on Woodinville-Duvall road, I-405 and I-5.

This morning's offender was found on I-405. He or she was in a blue Honda Civic traveling north. Traffic was fairly heavy compared to other mornings. It started at the merge point, where 522 hits 405. Most people move into the left lane to let traffic on because they of the construction and short merge lane. This guy decided to stay in the right lane and bottled every thing up. I was further down in the queue so I watched from a distance. Not only did he slow down the merging traffic but also the people behind him.

Unfortunately, this wasn't my last encounter with this guy. I got stuck behind him and watched him drive 55 while everyone in front of him was going 60 and then speed up when a car tried to get around him. It was rather entertaining only because I wasn't directly involved...this time.

Rule of the road: Move over for merging traffic and drive the speed limit when on a freeway.

I wasn't able to get a plate number but this guy gets my Douchebag Driver of the Day award.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Urban Dictionary definition! ;o)


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