Thursday, April 15, 2010

Who the Hell is Justin Gaston?

Just got done watching American Idol and am sitting here wondering who is Justin Gaston? I did a little research and saw he's better known as the Miley Cyrus' boyfriend. As I dug further, I discovered this guy is an underwear model, reality TV star and media hooker. Not only was his performance on American Idol horrible but he brought down Brooke White, one of my favorite past contestants.

I am having trouble understanding this generation. I saw recent articles on Heidi Montage's plastic surgery. She was a beautiful girl who went through ten plastic surgeries to completely alter her appearance to keep herself in the limelight. She is right there with the Kardashians, Hiltons and the entire cast of the Jersey Shore. How do these people get idolized in the first place? Most are famous for doing absolutely nothing.

How can our society idolize these people? There are so many great Americans our youth can look up to. And I'm not talking about sports people or movie stars but someone like these kids from Horsman, PA

Paying It Foward - - Very Special Children … Horsman, PA

Last February my daughter and I moved to a new home and I started a new job and in those first few weeks one of my colleague’s had a horrible thing happen to her sister and family….. their home burned down and they lost everything. Even though we did not know this family, my daughter Erica who was 8yrs old at the time, was having a birthday party coming up and asked all the guests to bring gifts and clothes for this family instead of for herself this year. I was truly amazed and very proud of my daughter. Never in my life did I imagine that same thing would happen to us exactly one year later. Two months ago our house burned down and we were devastated. A few weeks ago, we received a donation from three very special 8 year old boys from my daughter‘s school- Dillon, Joe and Brady who celebrate their birthdays the same week. They did not know about what my daughter had done, and they came up with the wonderful idea of raising money for us instead of themselves at their birthday party this year. I was so touched and overwhelmed by the generosity of these young children, who care so much about their friend and helping others. They are very special boys, and there are no words to express how thankful we are for what they have done. All of these children are very special and they are making the world a better place. They have shown the true meaning of “Pay it Forward”.

Come on, people! Get it together. Let's concentrate on providing our kids with role models who make a difference in this world.

Tales from the Tapletts

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