Tuesday, June 22, 2010

McDonald's Getting Sued - Toys Cause Obesity

Here's another one that fried my noodles. This nice watch dog group is keeping such a great care of the American public.

They are claiming McDonald's is participating in unfair and deceptive marketing practices because they use toys to entice children to eat a Happy Meal. Well, duh....that's the whole point of a freakin' Happy Meal.

Yes, Tucker gets a Happy Meal...he doesn't eat a Happy Meal every day. We have a Happy Meal as a special treat because they have a toy.

I wish people would just stay the hell out of my life. The government needs to stay out of my business and this watch dog group needs to stay out of my eating habits.


Let me know your thoughts.

Tales from the Tapletts

Friday, June 18, 2010

Afghans Go Missing From Air Force Base



You gotta read it to believe it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010