Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can't Help But Laugh - Recent Arizona Political Cartoons

Warning: If you are a democrat, don't read any further because you are going to be upset with me that I posted these really funny but anti-democratic stance cartoons and I really don't want to hear from you because I just thought they were funny.

Woman Loses House Over Unpaid Water Bill

Here's a story that fried my cheese this morning. A woman in West Baltimore lost her house when she failed to pay her city water bill of $362.

The mortgage on the house was paid but she wasn't working and incurred a hefty water bill. The city actually sold her $362 debt to investors in a tax sale. A tax sale supposedly helps city governments recoup its losses. Valentine's costs, with legal fees and charges, grew to $3,600. So these investors kicked her to the curb. They say they are working with her but probably wouldn't have if this story never went to press.

What is interesting is the ability of a government to sell a lien on the property. In the old days, 20 years ago, cities would shut your water or utilities off until you paid the balance plus some interest. Now some cities keep it running allowing you to rack up huge bills. The other part of this story is that in Baltimore, these investors and people in the government are being investigated for bid rigging. It looks like Baltimore may be in more trouble than they bargained for.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Taplett in the News

Even though I promote companies for a living, from time-to-time, I like to promote myself. I recently gave an interview for CBS Money Watch on job negotiations during a down economy. Not only am I mentioned, but they named Tucker as well!

Here is a link to the article. Let me know what you think!


Tales From the Tapletts